
招生 & DACA学生执照

Due to Covid-19, in-person information sessions are not currently being held. 学生应联系招生办 (电子邮件保护) 了解更多信息.



The Department of Homeland 安全 provided that individuals satisfying all of the following criteria are eligible to have removal from the U.S. 延期两年. 学生可以 了解更多关于DACA计划的信息.


  1. 2012年6月15日年龄在31岁以下;
  2. 来到美国.S. 在16岁生日之前;
  3. 一直居住在美国.S. 2007年6月15日至今;
  4. 实际在美国吗.S. 6月15日, 2012, and at the time of making your request for consideration of deferred action with USCIS;
  5. 在2012年6月15日没有合法身份,这意味着:
    • You never had a lawful immigration status on or before June 15, 2012, or
    • Any lawful immigration status or parole that you obtained prior to June 15, 2012, 已于6月15日到期, 2012;
  6. 目前在学校, 高中毕业或取得毕业证书, 已取得普通教育发展(GED)证书, or are an honorably discharged veteran of the Coast Guard or Armed Forces of the U.S.; and
  7. 没有被判重罪, 重要的轻罪, 或者有三项以上其他轻罪, 并且不会对国家安全或公共安全构成威胁.

DACA Applicability to the North Carolina Community College System “大学录取” Rule

The State Board of Community Colleges Code (State Board Code) provides the general admissions policy that “Each college shall maintain an open-door policy to all applicants who are legal residents of the U.S. 他们要么是高中毕业生,要么至少年满18岁.”

There is an exception to the general open-door policy that is applicable to undocumented immigrants. The State Board Code provides that “undocumented immigrant” means any immigrant who is not lawfully present in the U.S.

The State Board then goes on to provide certain limitations on the admission of undocumented immigrants.

在延期期间, individuals who have been granted deferral under the DACA program do not meet the definition of an undocumented immigrant as it is defined in ID SBCCC 400.2(b)因为延期受助人合法居住在美国.S. 在延期期间. Please note that it is not within the authority of community colleges to determine who is eligible to receive DACA classification. Student applicants are responsible for presenting documentation to establish that they have DACA classification.

Implementation of “大学录取” Rule to Students with DACA Classification

ID号SBCCC 400里的"合法居住权.2(a)指在美国“合法存在”的个人.S.,仅用于编号SBCCC 400.2(a). Since individuals with DACA classification are lawfully present during their period of deferral and do not fit the definition of an undocumented immigrant per ID SBCCC 400.2(b), community colleges should treat an individual with DACA classification like any other student who is lawfully present in the U.S. 有两个例外:

  1. 也不是联邦法律, nor North Carolina law permits individuals with DACA classifications to receive professional licenses. 参见8u.S.C. 及1621(a)及(c)(1)(a). Because individuals with DACA classification cannot receive professional licenses, 而社区大学是开放的机构, local community colleges have the discretion to determine whether to admit an individual with DACA classification into a specific program of study leading to professional licensure. 更具体地说, a local community college would be authorized to deny access to an individual with DACA classification into a specific program of study that leads to professional licensure. 相反, a local community college would be authorized to allow access to an individual with DACA classification into a specific program of study that leads to professional licensure.
  2. 此外, it is the current position of the State Residence Committee that individuals with DACA classification do not have the capacity to receive in-state tuition.


The State Board of Community Colleges Code states the policy of admission of student under the DACA classification will be to maintain an open-door admission policy to all applicants who are legal residents of the U.S. and who are either high school graduates or are at least 18 years of age. Student Admission processing and placement determination shall be performed by the officials of each college. 招生 requirements for an emancipated minors shall be the same as an applicant of 18 years or older. 关于未成年人入场的规定载于《申博平台》 .第0305条.

就本节而言, “undocumented immigrant” means any immigrant who is not lawfully present in the U.S. Community colleges shall admit undocumented immigrants under the following conditions:

  1. Community colleges shall admit an undocumented immigrant only is he or she attended and graduated from a U.S. 公立高中, 私立高中, 或遵守州或地方法律的家庭学校;
  2. 在确定谁是非法移民时, 社区学院应使用联邦移民分类;
  3. Undocumented immigrants admitted under Subparagraph(b)(1) of this Rule must comply with all federal and state laws concerning financial aid;
  4. An undocumented immigrant admitted under Subparagraph(b)(1) of this Rule shall not be considered a North Carolina resident for tuition purposes. All undocumented immigrants admitted under Subparagraph(b)(1) of this Rule must be charged out of state tuition whether or not they reside in North Carolina;
  5. When considering whether to admit an undocumented immigrant into a specific program of study, community colleges shall take into account that federal law prohibits states from granting professional licenses to undocumented immigrants; and
  6. 在美国合法居留的学生.S. shall have priority over any undocumented immigrant in any class or program of study when capacity limitations exist.


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